Resting up for Christmas

Well – It seems like sickness has descended upon the household.

But before the family got sick, we had some good times at Jules’ Ice Skating Birthday Party.  Here are a few highlights:

Jane doing a great job on her own

And a blurry Jules crusin’ by me at warp speed

We only have a few days of recovery time left.  Early to bed, lots of fluids and

Happy Holidays to you and yours.

Happy Birthday my Beautiful Jules

My first precious girl turns 9 today.  Happy Birthday sweet girl



Before a Dance Recital


Ahh- my Honey, my Blondie, my Miss Thing


Her Birthday Party is this weekend….we are going Ice Skating.  Update ya next week.


Friday Wrap Up – My girls are growing up

It is amazing how fast your own kids grow up.  I remember it taking forever for me to get old enough to leave the house but my girls are racing for it.

The previous few weeks saw my 2 wonderful girls heading off to their first days of school.  I can’t get over how fast they are growing up…… cliche……..but DANG IT!!!!

Jules is now in 3rd grade and needs glasses during class.  3rd grade is really when my memory kicked in.  I have memories from before that time period, but they are disjointed.  3rd grade seems to be the turning point for me in remembering time frames, activities and actions clearly.  That is driving home the reality that my kids are growing up and no amount of want will slow time down.


and then there is Jane….my youngest….sigh.  She started pre-school.  This is Jane on her first day of school.


Jane is our youngest and last.  It kills me that she is getting to the point where she is no longer the ‘mini’ or the ‘baby genius’  ……that’s family code for Jane.  She was always small for her age so people were surprised whenever she spoke….baby genius style.  She has hit a growth spurt recently so that doesn’t happen anymore.  *sniff*


My beautiful, smart, wonderful girls.

Last weekend of camping 2014

We went on our last official camping weekend and here are a few of the highlights…..with some great shots of father/daughter time.

The Setting:IMG_2708

Father Daughter time:


Learning how to skip rocks:



Papa taking the girls for a ride:


Good-bye Summer
